
Not So Good Friday

Yesterday we saw a display of complete disrespect for local residents, by worshippers attending Friday prayers at the Hamptons mosque.

We will be forwarding all the photos sent to us, and footage from the doorbell cams to Planning Enforcement, the Great Baddow ward councillors and Chelmsford Police.

How Many Vehicles Were Involved ?

So the car park was full pretty quickly, and worshippers then filled the grass verges, and the hard standing along the side of the building, with some blocking fire exits.

The car park was full (98 spaces) with cars double parked, and the patio area around the Tin Hut was also in use. Likewise the grass next to the Tennis courts. We estimate that over 170 cars were parked on the property.

But it doesn’t end there. We observed worshippers parking vehicles in Westbourne Grove, Monfort Drive, the Ridings and Loftin Way. In total we think that Friday prayers yesterday attracted around 220-250 vehicles


We saw some really dangerous and anti-social parking from worshippers, and with the growing numbers attending Friday prayers every week, this will not be a one-off. Here’s a gallery of the worst offenders.

You can see from the photos that the pavement along the Tydemans Green is partially or wholly obstructed by cars. Here’s what the Highway Code says.

Where were the parking marshals ?

We saw two, one being the Chairman of the Chelsmford Muslim Society. The question is, why were they ignoring the obstructed pavements. We’d suggest that for all the mock concern shown by the Chairman, worshippers come first, and what happens away from “his land” is really not his business.

This isn’t what CMS promised residents !

Of course this is just one of the dozens of lies, half-truths and misleading statements that CMS have made since they took over Hamptons

UNLESS this is dealt with by the police/council it will get worse !