Need Any More Proof ?

Currently the council are investigating whether the escalation of the use for, or in connection with public worship and religious education (F1(f) use class), tips the balance at Hamptons, making it primarily a mosque and madrassah.

Despite two failed attempts to bypass the normal planning process, and not actually holding planning permission for their current activities, the Chelmsford Muslim Society continue to fill the Hamptons timetable with activities not for the whole community, with many falling within the F1(f) use class.

The Makarim Academy

A faith school or madrassah, operating solely at Hamptons over 6 days, offering 21 classes to 145 students, employing 19 teachers, all under the control of the openly homophobic and anti western Shaykh Shams.

Can the council still claim that this is still a limited or discreet F1(f) use of the venue ? It’s certainly way beyond what the council considered acceptable as part of the wider local community use !

Friday Majlis

More segregated use for, or in connection with public worship and religious education, this time located in Caffe Marconi, meaning that any paying club members using the venue, are excluded !

And it makes the Hamptons Mosque extremely busy on Fridays, with Jumu’ah prayers, two or more classes from the Makarim Academy, a Youth Mentoring programme, the Majlis and a fully segregated youth club.

Incredible to think back just just three years, when Fridays at Hamptons meant a social in the Main Hall by one of the dance groups, with squash and tennis courts fully booked, and a packed member’s bar. A proper sports and leisure centre !!

extra weekend events are being added

This event lead to this unmarshalled chaos on a quiet Sunday evening :

and even the cafe is starting to exclude non Muslims

And this is in addition to the segregated Men’s Social Club and Ladies Social Club and other events, already in operation at Caffe Marconi on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

While we fully accept that the owners can use the building as they wish, it must be compliant with the current planning permission.

Given the whole manner of the transformation, the broken promises, the constant misdirection of residents and council officers, and the replacement of community activities with religious activities:

It’s no wonder that members and centre users no longer feel welcome !