CLEUD Application Refused

We are pleased to announce that the application for a Certificate of Lawful Exisiting Use and Development at Hamptons has been refused by the city council. A huge thank you to everyone that took part in the consultation, challenging the rather speculative evidence submitted.

CLEUD’s are decided on the quality of the evidence (or counter evidence), and the applicant must prove their case in some detail, which they failed to do.

The Decision

There are two documents that are worth a read:

The Officer Report

The Decision Notice

What Happens Next

The applicant does have the right of appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Having read the decision notice, we can’t really see any grounds for appeal, and it would be a case of throwing good money after bad for the Chelmsford Muslim Society. If an appeal is lodged, the city council would defend their decision, and all your comments would also be passed to the Planning Inspetorate. We will monitor the situation for any appeal lodged.